Important Recertification Notice

Important reminder to complete 8 hours of continuing education before your 2-year recertification period expires on 12/31/2018.

We all know how busy the end of the year is in our work life and how those holidays always seem to sneak up on us. Now is the time to complete 8 hours of continuing education for your ABQAURP recertification. We are here to assist you in meeting your educational requirement to maintain Diplomate status.

There are three options available for recertification, choose the one that works best for you!
  • Option 1: Complete 8 hrs of ABQAURP online education - Visit our available courses here: Online Courses
  • Option 2: Learn at your own pace! Complete 8 hrs of ABQAURP Home Study education - See our selection of courses here: Home Study Courses
  • Option 3: Submit non-ABQAURP accredited programs pertaining to any of our HCQM education areas.  To do so click here .
If you have questions or need assistance, please call us at (800) 998-6030.

Recertification Requirements
To uphold ABQAURP's professional standards and maintain Diplomate status, Diplomates are required to continue their professional education in the field of Health Care Quality and Management (HCQM) and Patient Safety through participation in an approved program for continuing education.

The recertification cycle is 2 years, with the member's initial recertification cycle beginning on January 1, after passing the exam, and ending on 12/31 of the second year.
  • Each member is required to complete a minimum of 8 CME / 8 CE credit hours of HCQM applicable continuing education per 2-year recertification cycle.
  • Each member is required to remain current with all account balances.